Loch Tay

Loch Tay

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Scotland for the Holidays

Scotland is one of the top destinations in Europe to visit: a small place with a lot to offer - whether you're tracing your ancestors, looking to hike in the remote mountains or want to enjoy a few whiskies on an Islay beach, there is something for everyone. For the last 12 years I've worked in Scottish tourism, planning trips and itineraries and showcasing the very best my county has to offer the visitor; and now I want to throw open that knowledge and experience to promote Scottish Travel, Culture and Heritage to the benefit of everyone. This is what McIpedia, is all about.

Through these blogs, social media and other avenues I'll take you on a journey through the country, its history and the types of travel and planning that can be done in making the perfect Scottish vacation. There will be stories, facts, tips and a whole raft of information and chances to ask questions. What does Scotland mean to you? How does it fit into the wider world, and why should we choose Scotland as a destination at all? All this and  more will be explored. I want this resource to be the catalyst in driving forward ideas on how to promote and showcase the best that Scotland has to offer, from activities and attractions to events and hidden gems.

What I would like is for this to be an online forum for discussing new ideas for driving forward tourism, a chance to promote your services and be part of the revolution. I'll be looking for guest bloggers, service providers to showcase and for your help in making this a key online service for the private sector. Please sign up on Linkedin to my group - Scottish Travel Group, where you have the chance to discuss all things travel with other business owners and like-minded folk.

My Name David McNicoll, and although I come from the Perthshire Highlands I now live in New York when I run a travel company specialising in Scottish Vacation Packages; and through this I can work with groups, individuals, businesses and agencies to create some fantastic trips and itineraries. The company is called Highland Experience USA, and the link is - www.highlandexperience-usa.com

Also, I have a facebook page - under highland experience usa - give us a look and 'like'

Ok, that's the introductions over with - now it will be time to get this show on the road and light a fire under Scottish Tourism.
